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 Animal World - Venery Terms from Wikipedia

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Animal Young Female Male Group Adjective Meat
Aardvark cub sow boar   orycteropodian  
Alligator hatchling cow bull congregation  eusuchian  
Alpaca cria     herd camelid (see also Llama)  
American Bison (Buffalo) calf cow bull herd bovine, bubaline  
Ant larva, pupa queen, worker, gyne drone army,  bike,  colony,   swarm  formic, myrmecine  
Anteater pup sow boar —    
Antelope calf  doe buck herd,  cluster,  tribe  alcelaphine, bubaline, antilopine  
Ape infant — — shrewdness    , troop   simian  
Armadillo pup, baby sow boar — cingulatan  
Ass/Donkey foal jenny jack herd,  pace,   band, drove,   coffle  asinine  
Baboon infant —   tribe, troop  , flange     
Badger cub, kit sow boar cete   , sett, colony, clan, company musteline  
Barracuda       school  percesocine  
Bat pup — — colony, cloud,  flock  pteropine, noctillionine  
Bear cub  sow, She-bear boar, He-bear sleuth, sloth ursine  
Beaver kit, kitten, pup — — family,  colony  castorine   
Bee larva, pupa queen, worker   drone colony, drift , erst  , grist  ,
hive   , nest , swarm  
apic, apian, apiarian  
Bison calf cow bull herd, troop, gang, obstinacy see also-Buffalo  
Boar shoat, farrow, piglet     singular, sounder     
Buffalo calf cow bull herd,  troop,  gang,  obstinancy     
Bush baby infant queen king, drake congress, gathering, plot galagine  
Butterfly caterpillar, larva, pupa, chrysalis     rabble, flight, flutter ; swarm, army (caterpillars) pieridine, pierine,lepidopteran  
Camel calf cow bull flock,  herd, train  camelid, cameline  
Caribou calf     herd    
Cat kitten, kit molly, queen, pussy tom   clowder  , cluster , clutter, glaring  , pounce ,
kindle (young)
Caterpillar       army,  constituency    
Cattle  calf  cow  bull herd,  drift,  drove,  mob, kine (female)  bovine,  vituline (young), vaccine (female), taurine (male) beef, veal
Chamois calf doe bull herd rupicaprine  
Cheetah cub     coalition     
Chicken chick, peep hen, pullet rooster, cock(-erel)  flock, brood,  peep  galline poultry
Chimpanzee infant empress blackback troop, group, harem panine  
Chinchilla tureturle, kit velvet, sow boar, bull herd chinchilline  
Clam larva     bed    
Cobra       quiver  elapid  
Cockroach nymph     intrusion  blattid  
Cod -see also Fish codling, hake, sprag, sprat     school    
Cormorant chick     gulp,  flight    
Coyote cub, pup, whelp bitch dog pack, train canine  
Crab — hen cock, jimmy consortium, cast cancrine  
Crane chick, colt      herd, sedge, siege alectorine  
Crocodile hatchling cow bull bask, nest, congregation, float,  bask  crocodilian  
Crow       hover, murder   , parcel  corvine  
Deer calf,  fawn doe, hind, cow  buck, stag, bull,  hart (red deer) bunch,  herd,  mob,  rangale  cervine, elaphine venison, humble (organ meat)
Dinosaur hatchling, juvenile cow bull herd (herbivores), pack (carnivores)    
Dog whelp, pup,  puppy bitch, dam dog, stud, sire pack,  litter (young), kennel,  gang, legion, group of hounds (cry, mute) canine  
Dogfish       troop    capeshark (USA), rock salmon (UK), flake (UK, AUS), huss (UK), rigg (UK), kahada (CAN) 
Dolphin calf, pup cow bull team, school, pod, herd, team,  alliance (male), party (female) delphine  
Donkey See Ass          
Dove chick, squal hen cock arc , cote, dole  , dule  , flight   , piteousness  , pitying  columbine  
Dragonfly nymph queen king, drake cluster, flight anisopteran  
Duck -see also Mallard duckling duck, hen drake On land - flock, herd, badelynge , brace , safe , sord , sore , waddling 
On water - bunch  , paddling  , raft  
In flight - skein , string , team 
anatine, fuliguline poultry
Dugong calf cow bull herd dugongine  
Eagle eaglet, fledgling — — convocation, brood, aerie aquiline  
Echidna puggle sow boar — tachyglossine  
Eel leptocephalus (larva), elver (juvenile) — — swarm, cell, pipe, array    
Eland calf cow bull herd    
Elephant calf  cow  bull  herd, flock, parade Proboscine, Proboscidean  
Elephant seal calf cow bull herd, pack, arrangement miroungan  
Elk (wapiti) calf  cow  bull  gang, herd cervine venison
Emu chick, hatchling     mob    
Falcon eyass/eyas falcon tiercel, tercel, terzel cast, acciptrine  
Ferret kit jill hob  busyness,  business, fesny(i)ng, fesynes musteline  
Finch chick hen cock quiver fringilline  
Fish fry, fingerling     draft, run, school, shaol    
Fly maggot     swarm, cloud, business dipterous  
Fox cub,  kit, pup  vixen tod, dog, dog fox, reynard leash  , skulk   vulpine  
Frog polliwog, tadpole, froglet     army, colony,bundle,fester, knot ranine  
Gaur calf cow bull herd bovine, gaurine garabeef
Gazelle calf  cow  bull  herd gazelline  
Gerbil pup doe buck horde cricetine  
Giant Panda cub sow boar      
Giraffe calf cow bull, sire herd, corps, tower  giraffine  
Gnat larva     cloud, horde    
Gnu calf cow bull herd    
Goat kid nanny, doe, doeling billy, buck,  buckling herd, mob, tribe, trip caprine, hircine chevon, cabrito, mutton
Goose gosling goose gander On ground - flock, gaggle
In flight - skein , team , wedge 
anatine, anserine poultry
Gopher -see Prairie Dog            
Gorilla infant — blackback,
troop, group (band) simian  
Grasshopper nymph     swarm    
Grouse       covey    
Guanaco chulengo       camelid  
Guinea fowl chick hen cock flock  numidine poultry
Guinea pig pup sow boar herd    
Gull chick, scorrie  hen cock flock larine  
Hamster pup doe buck horde cricetid  
Hare leveret doe, jill buck, jack band, down, warren, husk leverine, leporine  
Hawk eyas hen tiercel cast, kettle, boil  accipitrine, falconine  
Hedgehog hoglet, piglet, pup sow boar array  erinaceine  
Heron chick hen cock siege, sedge    
Hippopotamus calf cow bull bloat, crash, herd, thunder  hippopotamine  
Hornet larvae, pupae queen drone swarm vespine  
Horse  foal, colt (male), filly (female) mare, dam stallion, stud herd, band, mob, team (work horses), stable, harras, string or field (race horses) equine  
Human child, girl, boy woman man band, crowd, clan, tribe human long pig  (See cannibalism)
Hummingbird chick hen cock charm    
Hyena cub, pup, whelp bitch dog clan, cackle   hyenine  
Iguana         iguanine  
Jackal pup     pack    
Jaguar cub          
Jay, Blue chick hen cock charm    
Jellyfish planula, polyp, ephyra  sow boar bloom, fluther , smack  , smuck , smuth  scyphozoan  
Kangaroo joey flyer, doe, jill, roo boomer, buck,jack mob, troop, court, herd macropodine  
Koala joey doe buck colony, population phascolarctine  
Komodo dragon hatchling, chick, calf cow, hen bull, cock bank varanine  
Kouprey calf cow bull herd sauveline, bovine  
Kudu calf cow bull herd  
Lark chick hen cock exaltation alaudine  
Lemur infant princess dictator plot, congress, conspiracy lemurine  
Leopard cub leopardess leopard, prowl, spot (has been proposed) leap, lepe pardine  
Lion cub  lioness lion pride, sawt leonine  
Llama cria hembra macho herd, flock camelid  
Lobster   hen  cock    homarine  
Locust nymph — — cloud, host, plague, swarm caelifera  
Loris infant     colony  lorisine   
Louse nymph — — colony, infestation, lice pediculine  
Lyrebird   hen cock musket menurine  
Magpie chick hen cock tiding, tittering, tribe, gulp, murder, charm, flock garruline  
Mallard duckling hen drake brace, flush, lute, puddling, sord anatine poultry
Manatee calf cow bull herd manatine, sirenian  
Meerkat pup — — clan, gang, mob  
Mink cub, kit sow boar   musteline  
Mole pup sow boar labour, company, movement talpine  
Monkey infant, boy/girl — — tribe, troop  simian  
Moose calf  cow  bull   herd cervine venison
Mouse kitten, pinky/fuzzy/crawler/hopper (as pet food),  pup doe buck colony, harvest, horde, mischief, nest murine  
Mosquito nymph, wriggler, tumbler — — scourge, swarm, cloud aedine, anopheline  
Mule foal molly, mare mule john, horse mule barren, pack, span, rake    
Narwhal calf     blessing[citation needed]    
Newt eft           
Nightingale chick hen cock watch, flock, route, match philomelian  
Okapi calf cow bull herd okapine  
Opossum ljoey jill jack      
Oryx calf          
Ostrich hatchling, chick hen cock flock, troop ratite, struthious  
Otter pup, whelp sow boar romp, bevy, lodge, family, raft musteline, lutrine  
Owl fledgling, owlet     parliament, stare, wisdom strigine  
Ox calf cow bull, steer yoke, team, drove, herd bovine  
Oyster spat     bed, hive, cast, culch ostracine meat
Panda - see Bear            
Panther cub pantheress     pantherine  
Parrot chick hen cock company, flock    
Partridge chick hen, chantelle cock covey perdicine  
Peafowl chick, peachick peahen peacock party, muster, ostentation, pride pavonine poultry
Pelican chick, nestling     scoop, pod     
Penguin chick, nestling     rookery, waddle, colony (on land), raft (in water)   spheniscine  
Pig  piglet, shoat/shote (a young, just weaned pig), gilt (female) sow boar herd, drove, mob, drift, litter, sounder porcine, suilline pork, ham, bacon
Pigeon squab, squeaker hen cock flight, loft, flock, kit, team pullastrine squab
Platypus platypus     puddle    
Pony foal (either sex), colt (young, immature male), filly (young, immature female) mare stallion herd, marmalade, string equine  
Porcupine pup sow boar prickle hystricine  
Porpoise calf cow bull herd, pod, school    
Prairie Dog pup sow boar coterie, town    
Quelea chick hen cock flock, swarm queline
Rabbit bunny, kit, kitten, nestling doe, jill buck, jack warren, nest, colony, bevy, bury, drove, trace, leash leporine  
Raccoon cub, kit sow boar nursery, gaze procyonine  
Rail chick reeve ruff   ralline  
Ram lamb ewe ram flock arietine, ovine lamb and mutton
Rat kitten, nestling, pinkie, pup, calf  doe, cow buck, bull colony, horde, mischief, pack, plague, swarm murine  
Raven       unkindness,   congress, conspiracy, parliament, murder, crime[citation needed] corvine  
Red deer calf hind stag herd   venison
Red panda cub sow boar pack ailuirine
Reindeer (caribou) calf cow bull herd rangiferine  
Rhinoceros calf cow bull crash, herd ceratorhine  
Rook       building , parliament      
Salamander tadpole, salamanderling sow boar maelstrom, band caudatan
Sand Dollar larva pluteus (free swimming stage), juvenile (young urchin)          
Sea lion pup, calf cow bull pod, colony, crash, flock, harem, bob, herd, rookery, team, hurdle otarine  
Sea Urchin larva pluteus (free swimming stage), juvenile (young urchin)          
Seahorse seafoal seamare seastallion shoal hippocampal  
Seal pup  cow bull pod, rookery, bob, herd, harem phocine  
Seastar chick hen cock group, school asteridan  
Serval kitten          
Shark cub    bull frenzy, school, shiver selachian flake (AUS)
Sheep lamb, lambkin, cosset ewe, dam ram , buck drift, drove, mob, flock, trip, herd ovine lamb, mutton, hoggett, haggis (visceral meat)
Shrew shrewlet, baby sow boar colony, race, drove soricine  
Skunk kit sow boar  surfeit    
Snail   n/a n/a hood[citation needed] gastropodian escargot
Snake snakelet, hatchling (a newly-hatched snake), neonate(newborn) — — pit, nest or bed anguine, elapine, serpentine, viperine, ophidian  
Spider spiderling     cluster, clutter arachnine, arachnoid  
Squid chick hen cock roundup, audience tethidine calamari
Squirrel pup, kit, kitten doe buck squad, dray, scurry  sciurine  
Stinkbug nymph     intrusion pentatomidae  
Swallow       flight    
Swan cygnet, flapper pen cob bevy, game, flock, herd, team, wedge cygnine  
Tapir calf cow bull measure, herd tapirine  
Tarsier infant doe buck herd, plot, harem, troop tarsiine  
Termite larva cow bull colony, swarm    
Tiger cub , whelp tigress tiger ambush,  streak  tigrine  
Toad tadpole, toadlet — — knot,   lump, coven ranine, batrachian  
Trout fingerling     hoover    
Turkey poult hen tom, gobbler, stag, jake (immature) cream[citation needed], rafter   poultry
Turtle hatchling — — bale, dule chelonian  
Vicuρa calf cow, seρorita bull, seρor posse, herd cameline  
Wallaby joey jill jack mob    
Walrus calf cow bull herd, flock, pod odobenine  
Wasp -see also Bee larva queen, worker drone swarm, hive, colony vespine  
Water buffalo calf cow bull pot   carabeef
Weasel pup, kit bitch, doe, jill buck, dog, hub, jack sneak, gang  musteline  
Whale calf  cow  bull gam, grind, pod, herd, school cetacean, cetaceous blubber
Wolf cub, pup,  whelp bitch, she-wolf dog pack, rout lupine  
Wombat joey, chick jill jack wisdom, mob    
Woodpecker chick     descent    
Worm wormlet     bed, bunch, clew, squirm, wiggle helminthic, vermian  
Wren chick cow bull herd, cabinet    
Yak calf cow bull herd, cabinet    
Zebra colt, foal mare stallion crossing, herd,   cohort,  zeal   zebrine, hippotigrine  
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