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Revisit the Moon - 2020.

I found this diagram (taken from the BBC News available on the web March 18th 2007), to be informative and interesting. Note the amount of material abandoned as the team of space voyagers place their faith in technology, planning to return to earth with just a slim percentage of the material taken with them initially, yet returning with unestimable knowledge and experience. Truly awe inspiring, and a totally amazing concept!
John B. Moss
BBC Header (Image: BBC)

Headline: Lunar dust 'may harm astronauts'
Sub-Head: See how the US plans to return to the Moon in 2020
Dateline: 18 March 2007     Category: Science/Nature

Graphic showing how humans plan to return to the Moon (Image: BBC)
(1) The heavy-lift Ares 5 rocket blasts off from Earth carrying a lunar lander and a "departure stage"
(2) Several days later, astronauts launch on an Ares 1 rocket inside their Orion vehicle (CEV)
(3) The Orion docks with the lander and departure stage in Earth orbit and then heads to the Moon
(4) Having done its job of boosting the Orion and lunar lander on their way, the departure stage is jettisoned
(5) At the Moon, the astronauts leave the Orion and enter the lander for the trip to the lunar surface
(6) After exploring the lunar landscape for seven days, the crew blasts off in a portion of the lander
(7) In Moon orbit, they re-join the waiting robot-minded Orion and begin the journey back to Earth
(8) On the way, the service component of the Orion is jettisoned. This leaves just the crew capsule to enter the atmosphere
(9) A heatshield protects the capsule; parachutes bring it down on dry land, probably in California

Pass this on to someone else, if you'd like. There is NO LUCK attached.
If you delete this, it's okay: Nobody's luck is dependent On E-Mail.

Author: news.bbc.co.uk
Submitted by: John B. Moss, 19 March 2007

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