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Why I Use Netflix
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My wife and I’ve been on a ‘tight’ entertainment budget for over 15 years. During this time, we’ve averaged over 5 nights a week watching Netflix, usually from the hour of 7PM until 9 or 9:30PM. Our personal ‘movie time’ is our only dependable entertainment time, and since everyone likes to be entertained (right?), this time slot might aptly be called our ‘Netflix rut’.

Now, not everybody is in a situation like ours. We do not like to watch TV, but in our situation here for the last 11 years, we have no TV antenna so even if we wanted to watch TV (we do not), we couldn’t. There are no ‘normal’ TV signals into our area of the Idaho panhandle (like, put up an antenna, receive signal), but of course we could put up a satellite dish and we’d be able to watch. We do not want to watch television. Period.

But, we have a TV, and we can load a DVD (or VHS movie, either format works for us), so a Netflix DVD is a perfect solution for us. Why?

  1. Inexpensive.
    1. You order by #-DVD’s you wish to have ‘in flight’
      • ‘in flight’ – we have ordered 3, which means Netflix sends 3 DVD’s, and after we return the first, they send the next in series
      • Cost – 16.95/month
      • Postage is free, delivery is fast, on our schedule we are able to keep 3 DVD’s ‘in flight’ without having a ‘no DVD night’
    2. On TV shows and serials where 4 episodes fit on 1 DVD, we can watch a full season’s worth of material over an 11-night period
      • Whether watching a series or a good movie, 2 hours a night is our best saturation time frame
      • Watching (on average) 5 nights a week, or 22 nights a month, means our 2 hours of nightly entertainment averages out at .38 an hour
      • Pretty cheap, for quality entertainment
    3. You choose the DVDs you want to see, and the queue is yours to maintain – you control what you want to see, when you want to see it
      • We currently have over 300 DVDs in our queue; we have seen more than 3,000 DVDs over the last 15 years
      • If we want to see something ‘right now’, we simply move it to the top of the queue – and it gets sent next
    4. There is a rating system, where you tell Netflix whether you loved or hated a DVD (or a range of choices in between)
      • Based on your rating, Netflix provides several choices for you, similar to what you’ve liked
      • Ratings correspond to genres, such as sports, TV-series, documentaries, mysteries, action/adventure
      • Offerings in response to your rating will include material by starring actor and material within genre
      • Over time (I will attest) when you watch and rate the material, you can safely pick an unknown DVD and be happy with the result
      • None of this is obtrusive. Each movie can be rated, your choice, and when you select 3 stars (out of 5) this rating stays with your queue
      • The stars are either red (unrated) or gold showing 3 gold stars if that’s what you rated.
      • This also tells you whether you’ve seen the material or not; Netflix gives you a chance to rate similar movies, you see if you’ve already rated it
      • If you’ve seen a movie, even though not on Netflix, you can still rate it, contributing to how Netflix will offer similar choices
  2. No commercials
  3. All the popular TV series are available on DVD
    1. Again, no commercials
    2. Format is 4 episodes per DVD (we watch 2, then next night the remaining 2, followed by the next DVD in the series, until we’ve watched the full season)
    3. There are thousands to choose from, including and especially some quality shows from Australia and England (BBC)
I don’t know where you would go to watch some of the material we’ve seen, other than Netflix. There was at one time some neighborhood alternatives (Blockbuster, e.g.) but over time I’m not sure they’ve survived. Netflix is cheap, easy to use (regardless of your TV reception preferences), and a very comprehensive offering of material including the old movie classics and the new material when it becomes available on DVD.

Your movie demands are not like ours, I’m sure. Why would they be? But to the extent you enjoy selective quality entertainment at a very low cost, you might consider experimenting with this media.

Perhaps this message would be suited for an AllShare page – I’ve certainly stated a case for Netflix, and the best advertisements are from customers who volunteer their time and opinion in a positive vein. Hope this has helped give you some insight as to what Netflix is all about. I can always update the description here to correct any factual errors (which of course I don’t see at first blush). Feel free to comment and compare notes regarding your Netflix experience, and I’ll be happy to answer questions related to my own.

Enjoy Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday night-at-the-movies!

Author: John B. Moss
Submitted by: JB Moss, 24 November 2014

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